The object of the Project “Study, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Operation for the Los Pozos Water Pipeline System, including the Water Purification Plant, located in the District of Los Pozos, in Herrera Province”, in Panama, is the execution of a new water supply system to the towns of Los Pozos and Los Cerritos. The project comprises a water supply point from the Gato River, a domestic water treatment plant, two drinking water storage tanks and the corresponding pipelines
The work undertaken by SISTEMA comprised the Design and Calculation of the Domestic Water Treatment Plant (PTAP in Spanish)
The domestic water supply system for the urban centre of Los Pozos is established by means of a water pipeline service through the operation of 7 deep wells, a 20,000 gallon tank and PVC distribution networks. However, this system is insufficient and causes a shortfall not only in the summer but also year round. This is due to the greater demand for water from the inhabitants and the shortfall in the existing piped water supply, which has become obsolete, since the existing wells dry up, provoking a loss in continuity in the generalised service, affecting the welfare and the health of the citizens, making it impossible for them to carry out their daily tasks in a normal fashion
In order to make calculations, the future population 30 years from now was determined, using the data from the Republic of Panama Contraloría General as a basis. This gave an estimated population of 5,000 people. Basing ourselves on the IDAAN (Panama Institute of National Water Pipelines and Drainage) Regulation, a maximum, or design (Qd), flow was established of 45.47 litres per second.
To establish the physical-chemical and biological parameters of the quality of treated water, the DGNIT-COPANIT 23-395-99 Regulation on Domestic Water was applied.
Download our project technical specification sheet to obtain further information.