Project Description
- The object of the Study of Alternatives and Preliminary Plan for “Integration of the Networks of Infrastructures in the Santa Monica Integrated Tourism Development Zone” consisted of the definition of the fundamental structure of the networks of infrastructures within the scope of the Santa Monica Urbanisation, with the project design under way, and its relation with the scope of the Lacaçao Urbanisation, already being executed. To this end, three alternatives are presented, with two options in Alternative 1. In the analysis, the location of the Technicals Area is presented, which will house the deployment of the following facilities: WASTE WATER PURIFYING STATION (EDAR), DOMESTIC WATER TANKS (DAP) AND PURIFYER (DAD) AND INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT BUILDING (EGI), along with the analysis of the deployment and operating costs of each one of these. The ALTERNATIVE CHOSEN is Alternative 3. The details of each one of the alternatives are:
- To check the optimal functioning of the integration of the Waste Water Networks, a total of 77,191 metres of the length of the pipelines has been studied in the various alternatives, with 23,599 metres of these pipelines being gravity and 53,592 being forced (impulse piping).
- The result has been 18,567 m of pipelines (impulse and gravity) with diameters from 110 mm to 630 mm to drain, in the year horizon, 48,000 m3/day (555.56 l/s) to the future Waste Water Treatment Station.
- Domestic Water Network:
- With regard to the Domestic Water Network, a total of 87,563.86 metres in length of pipelines has been studied. Figure II gives details of the total lengths according to the diameters used.
- Irrigation Water Network
- With regard to the Irrigation Water Network, the calculation was made on the alternative chosen, which, as commented above, is Alternative 3. This has a network of 21,358.27 metres of pipeline length, as shown in figure III.
- In order to reduce the maintenance cost of the domestic water pulses, as well as to optimise the integration of both networks, a study of the new location of the domestic water production centre was undertaken.
- In total 9,348 m of pipelines were studied, with the chosen alternative being 3,196 m of pipelines of 630 mm for a flow of 48,000 m3/day (555.56 l/s).
- For the pumping sections and according to calculated flows studied, 5 Pumping Station Types were proposed, distinguished by the number of pumps comprising them and the dimensions of the basins for collecting the water. The network in the project has 8 pumping sections which pump the flow of waste water, which is 48,000 m3/day (555.56 l/s), to the Waste Water Treatment Station. Altogether, the total power consumed by the pumping stations is 1,164.20 kw.