SISTEMA ENGENIERIA has been awarded a lot to supervise the construction of two roads on the Island of Santiago. Specifically, the works to be supervised are Lot 3 and Lot 5: “Control and Surveillance des Travaux of Route ER-ST-08 Bretelle EN3-ST-22 – Palha Carga – Between Picos de Reda (10 km) and EN3- ST-19 Bretelle EN1-ST-01 – Chao de Formoso / Gil Bispo (12.2 Km) South L’ile de Santiago “.
These works are framed within the Transport Sectour Reform Project (TSRP) that the World Bank is developing in the Macaronesian archipelago. This program was initiated in 2013 and expanded with greater scope in 2017. Its objective is the maintenance of roads and their improvement through wider and safer sections. This Project combines the rehabilitation or updating of key road sections in the socio-economic development of the islands with the support for their maintenance. The Contract Manager is the Estradas Institute (IE) under the Ministry of Infrastructure, Land Planning and Housing (MIOTH)
In particular, the objectives of the actions to be monitored by SISTEMA INGENIERIA are to improve the accessibility of the population that articulate these roads, currently narrow and on land, by widening and improving the road, as well as paving, the formation of elements of drainage and signaling. This is intended to avoid cutting the road in the rainy season, improve the conditions of access to the local markets of the populations, mainly farmers, the conditions and tourist attraction of the area, the access of populations to education , as well as the reduction of accidents, all of them fundamental development goals of the World Bank.
SISTEMA will be responsible for overseeing these works, being its main task, the assurance of technical and quality parameters of the works, as well as ensuring compliance with deadlines and budgetary control, all without neglecting the environmental commitment and the safety of the people who will work in the works.
The execution is carried out by two Portuguese companies established in Cape Verde, lot 5 will be executed by ELEVO GROUP and lot 3 by TECNOVIA.